Monday, November 22, 2010

hogwash. hooey. poppycock. fatuity. mumbo jumbo.

it's monday. thanksgiving is in three days. this means that all hell is going to break loose at work. it's inevitable. work right before the holidays is silly crazy. i've already sent out a flooring quote, wandered the warehouse looking for more material (alas...), ignored the phone like a pro (let's be honest i am already really good at that one), craig's listed, answered back-logged e-mails, and naturally trolled the internet for something to entertain me...this is what i came across:

"This is what you shall do: Be loyal to what you love, Be true to the Earth, and Fight your enemies with passion and laughter." - Edward Abbey

It seems rather fitting for a week like this. Where no doubt it is going to be full throttle, gloves on, game face present, and crazy to the last always happens this way, and you would think approaching my 3rd thanksgiving, i would be able to recognize it a little sooner. if it gives you any idea of how crazy things are here, we were going to be closed for the whole see how that's working out for me. sitting at the warehouse, with the dogs (the sweet babies in the picture..coney and then praia in the back), hot chocolate (extremely cold from being purchased at 845 this, we don't have a microwave, that's just ludicrous), phone buzzing, and not a worry in the world.

i can honestly say i have never been more lost than i am right now, but strangely enough i have never been happier and more okay with it. crazy how life's curve balls turn out. i was loyal to what i loved, true to what i believed (and the earth), and fought tooth and nail. so i guess mr. edward abbey, i achieved your quote. (well, mostly. let's not split hairs here.) so there. beat that...ha

BUT i did almost fall in the toilet 3 times in the past 2 weeks. and i mean literally almost fell in the toilet, none of that figurative malarkey. LITERALLY. if you work with only guys, or live with guys, you come to find out that them putting that toilet seat down is just a pesky mundane task that often gets overlooked. perhaps they think of it as more of a suggestion....hence the toilet episodes. i politely asked (told that it would not be a good day for whoever i encountered if i fell in said toilet) that they please put the seat down, not even the cover, just the seat. (not too terribly much to ask right?). i was promptly greeted with laughter and how they thought it would be absolutely hilarious if i actually fell in...good grief charlie brown, i just can't win around here....

oh thank god thanksgiving is only 3 days away...three long, toilet seat up days away...

p.s. expect to hear my screams when i fall in, because it is going to happen. i will probably scream, laugh, cry, and scream again. it will be one of my better moments...

enjoy this little gem...


  1. your blogs trip me out. I think mainly because it read just like you are sitting next to me telling me the stories. Love it. Keep it up, Dot Spiot.

  2. why thank you! i really appreciate it!
