Monday, November 29, 2010


you know what i love the monday after thanksgiving? well i really love ugg boots, sweatpants, and a cup of hot chocolate, but we can't always get what we want, correct? well i most certainly love getting to work at 7:30 and sanding...[enter sarcasm here]. just how i wanted to spend my morning. also, the fact that i am alone is another one for the books....

however, you may think this would rank as one of my most dreaded days at work....oh but you would be mistaken. there was a two week span where all i did was liming wax. in the dead of winter. in the warehouse. with very little help (we will use the term "help" very, very loosely).

it all started as a shelving order. this guy wanted to have the "driftwood" "whitewash" finish. hence the liming wax. much to my chagrin i was tasked with getting all of this together. yea yea, whatever, no big deal. HA! silly little me.

darwin: dot i need you to get some liming wax from highland hardware.
dot: how many of these said cans?
darwin: two should be plenty. maybe get a third just in case.

that just in case will get ya every time.

first round of shelving - 130 shelves, limed on all four sides...2 cans? maybe 3? HAHAHAHA! try 13. needless to say i bought all of the highland hardware stock. i had to move venues. i was at the new venue maybe 3 times a week. every time i was covered from head to toe in liming wax. i am fairly certain they thought i was an expensive glue huffer.

we get to round 2 of shelving. i decide to be prepared and order the liming wax online. you know what is great about ordering things online? they deliver it to your door in a timely fashion. you know what is not so great about ordering things online? they usually don't deliver it to your door in a timely fashion. see where i am going with this? yea, that order of liming wax didn't show until 5 days after the order of shelves shipped. SPECTACULAR....

back to trolling the streets of atlanta for liming wax....

liming wax has been acquired and the task of liming has been handed down. it was a saturday, darwin limed half of a shelf....HALF! and then said, i've got a delivery to run, i'll be back later. you guys got this? yea, yea we got this....130 shelves to wax. take one down pass it around, 129 more shelves to wax. it was terrible. absolutely terrible. it was cold, i was covered in white paste, and to top it off, i'm pretty sure you are not supposed to be in contact with it for as long as i was. i may have residual damages...ha, yea i am sure it's the liming wax, that is going to cause me to go crazy.

it got finished. i may have been delirious, but it got finished.

the other day, i put on a jacket from last winter, and what did i find? LIMING WAX. the stuff still haunts me. darwin begins to speak about it and i tell him that i refuse to "lime" ever again. it's kind of like the day the mouse was in the filing cabinet (that's another fun little story)...there are some things that i just can't deal with at work, and that MOST certainly is one of them...

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