Wednesday, November 10, 2010

i'll find you....

big fat bully. there i said it. i HATE being bullied. anyone who knows me knows that badgering me, cornering me, and most of all bullying me are a sure fire way for me to just ignore you and not talk to you anymore. i hate it, i hate it, i hate it.

now people around the shop (customers/vendors) think that i am easily bullyable (not a word, but whatever). quite the contrary, i am not easily bullied. i will stand my ground, mark my words. yesterday, however, was not one of my finer moments. i was already on the verge of a mental breakdown, and customers just were not helping. i am under strict orders to get payments in by certain times. usually, i am really good at this. i just ex-girlfriend style call. i annoy myself with how many times i i must clearly be annoying you. yesterday was just not my day. i was tired, cranky, and cold. probably the worst threesome for me right there. i just didn't have it in me to fight. so i went unpaid and left the shop at 3 on the brink of tears. just because i am a girl, i am blonde, and i am pretty (i'm taking liberty here to say that i am), does not mean that you can smooth talk your way out of a bill, and that my pretty little head will just completely miss what happened. WRONG. i like my money, and i like being able to see it. don't do the whole wink and nod. you're not a puppy, i'm not falling for it. that doesn't make the look and the chat i am going to get from darwin later easier for me. JUST PAY YOUR BILL. we are a small company, we need that money. i need that money. just give it to me, it's not that hard. it stresses me out and i don't do well with stress.

moral of the story, pay your bills, be nice to the people you purchase things from, they are doing their best. and for goodness sake do not bug me 8000 times in one day where your stuff is. i told you i would let you know by a certain time and i will. geez...don't use my ex-girlfriend tactic, that's just rude...ha.

oh, i have an older brother. i know how to hold my own....don't test these baby fists of fury. and i most decidedly probably faster than you, so don't try that one either. CAUSE I'LL FINDDDD YOU...

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