Monday, November 1, 2010

sidewalk chalk...

it's monday. i hate mondays; i am fairly convinced that the entire world hates mondays. anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. it's inevitable; somewhere there is a murphy's law explaining mondays and why to avoid them at all costs...but mondays around here go one of two ways. one: it's an absolutely non stop, no holds bar, forget to eat lunch, wake up on the floor, shit-show. bona fide, tried and true, and never fails. or option two: we do nothing, and stare at each other all day. as much fun as option two may seem, it makes for a long day....

enveloped in option one also comes darwin. now let me give you a little insight on darwin. no fewer than 15 ideas are swirling through his head at any given moment. so that in turn means that i get the task of mentally filing, researching, and remembering of these said ideas. take a step back, and just imagine the flow chart of tasks that goes through my head on any given takes an act of God and Congress, but somehow, in the over 2 years of working here, i have managed to delegate and relegate the important, the slightly less important, the silly, and the downright outrageous, and come out relatively sane and unscathed (let's use relatively loosely here). if you let him, he will pull you in 8 million directions. if you can stand your ground and hold on you will be fine, but finding that balance takes time, and is something that not everyone can master...."we had a great partnership, in that no matter how crazy an idea i'd come up with, it was not crazy to her - until proved to be unrealistic." "...communicate to everyone why he or she had to take some of my more radical ideas seriously or at least humor me until i forgot about them." Let My People Go Surfing pg. 42.

with that being said, today has been a rather busy day. we've sold some stuff, we've unsold some stuff...the usual. however, i had the grand and exciting task this morning of measuring some walnut slabs and chalking the dimensions on them....easy enough. WRONG. in a warehouse where we have no fewer than 8 measuring tapes (probably grossly underestimated), i can find none. not a single solitary little one. i mean how, how is that even possible? i've searched all the vehicles, all the forklifts, all the tables...EVERYWHERE. none to be found; not to mention, chalk...ha...what chalk? that's just silly and absurd if you think we have any of those buggers laying around. so i've now wandered the gigantour warehouse 3 times in battle for these measuring tapes. FINALLY, i spy an appropriately painted bright "SHOOT ME NOW" SATAN ORANGE. you may ask how i missed that the first go round, even maybe the second, but you have yet to see what i must put up with on an organizational level here in the hovel. so finally, i've struck gold and can measure.

i cannot, however, that leads me to a wonderful little store called Staples. they have that easy button, that always seems to be just out of reach down here, but i digress. so i stroll into staples, eating my sandwich (multitasking per usual), and get some sidewalk chalk. the see it from space, no breaking these bad boys, chalk. i sort of feel like that kindergarten kid who can't quite grip the regular pencil or crayon and has to use the big ones, but that is a story for another time...

this is just a small glimpse into what my day has been.

slabs - measure - chalk - email - pricing - email some more - appointments - post office - bills - get the picture. 400 little things, to keep this afloat. it's hectic, it's fun, and it sure beats sitting in a cubicle....

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