Thursday, February 2, 2012

quarter panel crisis...err, i mean life.

lately i have been feeling a bit blue. a cute word for sad, tired, cranky, depressed, and overall a great joy to be around (insert sarcasm).

doesn't that sound like the most awesome ball of fun times ever? yea i didn't think so either. needless to say with that array of awesomeness i am emitting, i haven't been up for much. especially not updating my blog. i can barely update my daily outfit, much less be held to updated my life.

i avoid them by signing up for things like tough mudder...but still failing at the avoidance part

you already know about the dinner party and it's great success. i hear a good time was had by all and judging by the pictures, perhaps "good" isn't the right adjective to describe the time had by all. magnamous may be more appropriate.

you know what makes those tables especially fun?

when they weigh ninetymillionpoundsandyouhavetomovethem. (read: all one breath: ninety million pounds and you have to move them). ::you're welcome for my translation::

i am in a bit of a goofy mood today. i can't seem to focus or sit still for any length of time. no, it's not what you think, i have had no caffeine. side note: i've given it up. unless it comes in the form of chocolate or tea. but sodas are out. and coffee, well it was never really a contender because it's gross.

i feel a bit like a fairy hopped up on life right now. i am going with it's the beautiful weather that i am staring at through this here basement window.

funny work stories? well let me comb my rolodex of hilarity that goes on around here.

mainly they involve blunders. such as the number of times darwin has broken the trucks coming down the interstate. i am sure i have told you about darwin in the black truck and the breaks going out on the downtown connector in 5 o'clock rush hour while pulling a full load and proceeding to break two AAA trucks. if i haven't remind me and i will tell you all about it.

this last one wasn't quite as terrifying, but still not great. the white truck needed new tires. we thought we could squeeze by, but boy were we ever wrong. darwin was coming back from the new shop. my car was at the new shop and i had his land rover. i am leaving to go climbing and he calls me to tell me that he blew the front tire out on dolly (the white truck) and he is waiting on the side of 75-S for AAA. that's always an exciting phone call to field.

no this is not what ours looks like, but it would be pretty sweet if it did. 

candice and i go retrieve darwin from the tire shop and drop the smoldering fumes of madness known as darwin off at his house.

moral of the story: what should have cost us in the amount of two new front tires, cost us in the amount of two new front tires PLUS two new quarter panels PLUS paint. mmmmmm car repair.

glamourous isn't it folks?


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