Monday, February 27, 2012


have you ever done something and proceeded on with your life under the assumption that everything was kosher only to find out a week and change later that it in fact was very unkosher (whatever, totally a word) and you have approximately 12 hours to fix it? by 12 hours, i mean rewind time to when you ordered the product and make it correct then....

needless to say it is a losing battle. i am also not losing it very graciously (prettily, humbly - i'm not sure the exact term for what is happening to me right now), but whatever. it's monday. and mondays suck. it's inherent. it's in their dna if they had dna.

i've called no less that five steel places in an attempt to remedy this little huge little brain burp that i had. i could come to my own defense and say why i under ordered, but that just gets us a bed of excuses to lie in while the problem is still glaring us in the face like churchgoers on sunday when you are still drunk at brunch. (don't judge, you've done it too...)

yes churchgoer analogies during lent. whatever. read back to paragraph two: it's monday. and it's 1106 and i am about to get dangerously hungry or perhaps the lovely term known as hangry...look it up. it flows much better than grungry or the less popular crabungry (i may have made those other two up...)

back to the steel ordering process. it seems the forces have aligned against me. no i do not know the forces and no i do not know what i did to piss them off so horribly, but good gracious mea culpa times 80 bajillion. i have finally located the steel, but they can't cut it. superb. i only need to deliver painted and drilled steel tomorrow morning. that time machine is looking real nice right now. real nice.

i mean, i don't work for a steel company. i work for a lumber company. lumber i can do. steel? ha, not even close. i have to call and start with the "bear with me as i have absolutely no idea what i am doing. can you help?" line.  it takes a few around the circles and up the ladders and back around the circle before we are both presumably on the same page...

now like later this morning - because i haven't been up since 6 or anything - i get the phone call to find some hand hewn beams....that is a mission i can handle. call up and ask about lumber. SOLD. let's do this....finding it seems to be a growing problem. sweet. just add that to my list for the recipe of awesome monday makings.

perhaps i should scratch this whole blog post. it's probably best. eh. there are some witty comments in there.....


**note for those of you who are of the less informed party: hangry - hungry + angry; grungry - grumpy + angry; crabungry - crabby + hungry

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