Thursday, February 9, 2012


in the land of unknowns there is one thing for certain. if you don't try you will never know.

everyday in a small business is a trial. some you win, and some you lose. we've pared down the losing to a fine art, but there are days that completely blindside you and you have to be on your toes and rethink everything.

this recently hasn't been my best quality. i normally am very good at thinking on my feet and coming up with another option, but as of late i've been a sluggish at best.

i've taken the steps towards mending that and i know it will take some time, but i am feeling better and more alert. which for me is a big step in the right direction.

now enough of the debbie downer and back to the "happiness project," because i definitely took about 18 steps backwards in that department.
sweet praia girl pre-mohawk

on monday darwin and i were in the truck all day. we laughed, we joked, we tried not to kill bad drivers of north georgia, you know the usual.

the funniest part of the whole day was when we were hunting for some wide walnut boards (especially difficult). i am on the phone trying to find the material after the first company who told me they did, completely dropped the ball. we are leaving millwork and i am on hold. praia starts making this horrendous retching noise in the backseat of the truck as we are sitting at a red light. darwin is trying to get her into the floorboards to throw up and i am scrambling to get his bag out of the way while not laughing. praia throws up all over the backseat and darwin is FURIOUS. i.CANNOT.stop.laughing. the person comes back on the other end of the line to tell me they have no wide boards and i am gritting my teeth to not laugh into the phone. as this is all happening the light turns green and we get honked at. darwin completely lost it. luckily i could hang up the phone because i fell into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. i mean picture it:

big black truck
praia trying to vomit
darwin backwards in the driver seat trying to keep her from puking in the seat
me on the phone, while backwards in the passenger seat trying to move his bag
light turns green
praia commences to puking
we get honked at
darwin screaming curse words
me finishing a phone call and laughing for the next 30 minutes

i wish it was on film. it was hysterical. i haven't laughed that hard and that long in a minute.


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