Tuesday, February 21, 2012


now that darwin is no longer referred to as the invalid (okay, okay maybe i was the only one that actually called him the invalid, but that's neither here nor there...) things have gone back to normal.

by normal i mean, he can talk and is awfully bossy again - i kid, i kid. he was still bossy when he couldn't talk...

i was pretty sure that yesterday he was milking this illness for all that it was worth by making me schlep some more heart pine around. everyone at that millwork shop thought he was faking it by then...but whatever, i like the driving the truck around. it's big and makes me feel important. and besides who doesn't want to drive around a kickass giant truck that is loud and intimidating? because i absolutely do.

i use this blog as my journal for the daily activities that are funny and quirky for me at work. sometimes however, i just fall apart.

lately i've done that. fallen apart. a lot.

my current streak right now is a week and half without melting down. go me...small steps, yea?

i think mainly it's because i have been too busy running the company because darwin had been laid up on a couch unable to talk or function as a contributing member of society (that may be a bit harsh, but whatever, he laid on the couch for a week, lost a bunch of weight, and made me take him to doctor's appointments all across the state....)

i find that if i have things to do then i do much better.

so enough of the sob story. let's move onto something funny.

now if i wasn't too excited - wow - sleepy/exhausted is the word i was looking for, i would tell you all about the forklift extraction that i have become quite good at... yeesh.

tomorrow. i promise. mea culpa. tomorrow. tomorrow. you're only a day away....


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