Thursday, January 26, 2012

dinner expo.

i am sure you are all waiting with eager anticipation on the edges of your seats wanting to know if we pulled the tables off in time...

the answer you all have been waiting for is: 
they looked stunning. i was unable to attend the dinner expo, but darwin assured me that everything looked amazing and it went off without a hitch.

check out our facebook page for more pictures: Urban Reclaimed


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

so much with so little.

i may not be the most eloquent person (writing, speaking, etc.), but when it comes to pulling something off for a deadline, with very little to work with and very little time, well let's just say i am pretty good at pulling the proverbial rabbit out of the proverbial hat.

so this story i promise has a point and i may get to it by the end, if, and that's a big IF, i can remember where i was going when i started. ---again not one of my best qualities. perhaps i should start outlining my blog posts or maybe even writing down just key points...who am i kidding, that is most certainly never going to happen and takes out the fun "word vomit" approach i am so fond of these days.

back to the rambling - yes i know you can hardly contain your excitement - and on with my story.

it is a long roundabout story, that is further explained here Urban Reclaimed (read the dinner expo bit), so i will spare you all the details and you can go there and read for yourself/selves(?) - whatever. long story short, darwin approached me about 3 weeks ago about doing some tables for an underground dinner club for our friend rob. (UGDC - Push Start Kitchen (yes their latest post pertains to this post as well), Rob - I Love LA Eats - these links are making my brain hurt...)

well those three weeks drifted by quickly and we are approaching said deadline...ahem friday...

let me back-peddle a bit and state for the record that i was not entirely in favor of doing these tables...i send my mea culpas out now, but at the time (and currently) we were juggling a lot of projects that involved micromanaging money...ugh, and i just didn't have it in me to put another thing on the list...

but with enough badgering and coaxing full of backhanded compliments, darwin and rob sold me on the idea. so that meant my last week was sent scrambling to find metal fabricators....that is the easy part...the hard part you ask? finding one that doesn't cost you more than your entire life savings to make one silly little base in the shape of an inverted trapezoid...jesus pete. i fear a purchasing of metal fabricating equipment in our near future....

yes that is me in the background. darwin wanted to use me as a reference point...

well we (read: i) remembered our good friend MC over at Lemay Designs (i know, i know, again with the links) and she has graciously offered to help us under this intense deadline. she is so amazing that she has actually already sent me a picture of one of the bases. WOOOO..

yesterday, i thought was going to be a harmless day of gathering supplies, driving to bumble, and dropping off supplies (along with lesson number 2, never let the bossman get hungry), dropping off snacks for later and turning my little red jetta around and fleeing back to atlanta. i was mistaken. horribly, horribly mistaken.

i am getting ready to leave atlanta, when darwin sends me a text about how i am going to be sanding the cedar slabs (that's what the tables are being made from if i didn't already state that) while he goes to a meeting. translation: you will be sanding these because i am tired of doing it.

with supplies in hand, i drive on out to bumble world. i arrive with lunch and snacks as to be expected. i eat my lunch. and then my day ends with a preposterous amount of sawdust up my nose. granted, i rather like sanding things. it's calming - i don't do calm. the sawdust up my nose, i could do without, but it's cedar and it is a scent of the gods. no moths will be living up my nose any time soon. (bad, bad joke. well aware)

as of right now i seem to be making this deadline work. i am not going to jinx anything though, because after all, it's only wednesday and there is a lot of time for things to go horribly awry.

i said i would remember the point of this, but alas, i don't. just another post about the day in the life of working for a small business that has taken on starting another small business under it...

yay small business! (that was a serious yay, not a sarcastic yay)


Thursday, January 12, 2012

above ground?

this happiness project i have stumbled upon seems to be working.

i feel a bit happier and less tense about meeting new people and doing new things, but i am exhausted. i am just not this entertaining. by any stretch at all. i do really well in small spurts, but then i need to go home and rest. my poor voice is gone from the amount of talking i have done.

i was going to tell you all my funny story that i wrote about earlier, but who am i kidding, i have absolutely no idea as to what it was even vaguely about. with that being said, i guess i should come up with something to tell you.

*tosh.0* this is my mental image of above ground pools.

monday i drove to cairo, georgia. that's 4 hours south of atlanta. SOUTH. i did have a great time entertaining myself, while trying not to die. people in south georgia drive like the apocalypse is coming for them at any minute. 

first game i played: how many above ground pools can one see south of albany? well for the record it was about 6. i am sure there were more, but these were the most prominent ones: i.e. front yards....i was unaware that above ground pools really still existed and that people would put them in their front yards of all places.

second game i played: how many tractors does one have to pass before the share the road with tractors sign is relevant. i passed two, so i am saying that is enough to warrant signs. always entertaining doing 70 down the highway in a giant truck and see a tractor wheel onto the highway like it's not big deal.

south georgia is a very entertaining place to say the very least.


cheers to above ground front yard pools. who knew? i thought i was trashy by purchasing a slip and slide for my birthday...go figure.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

happiness portfolio...

we've come full circle again folks. it's a new year. which again means, a new you.

everyone makes their own resolutions and this time last year i stated "so cheers to 2011. it most certainly can't be worse than 2010. well at least not for me, because if it is, my poor little brain and soul can't handle it..."  well guess what? 2011, not my most stellar year.

at the risk of completely repeating myself: here's to 2012. because it most decidedly cannot be worse than 2011.

i've already decided to make sure that 2012 beats out 2011. clearly there are things that are out of my control (ahem: car being stolen, economy, etc), but i am going to do my best to make sure that i stay positive. the best anyone can really hope for is to stay positive right? well that's what i am banking on.

this idea mainly came about when i started reading the book: The Happiness Project by: Gretchen Rubin. i haven't really delved that far into the book, because it's fairly straightforward and easy to figure out where it is all going. i will most certainly donate some more time to reading it, but i am going to start from what i know about this book and it's to start realistic goals and do something for yourself. other people don't always understand why you are doing something, and most of the time are not very receptive to the idea of taking an entire year (or whatever time you have allotted) and devoting it to your self. but who cares about what they think anyway right?

sifting through your life and deciding what exactly it is that makes you happy is not exactly the easiest feat to undertake. you have to take time, and time is just not something out there in ample abundance these days. so, the first step in this "happiness project" is to take time. simple. take time. turn off and unplug.

seeing as i don't have internet at my house and i don't have a heck of a lot of interest in the television, this should be fairly easy. well it's not. you find a multitude of other things to occupy your time. and for me, sitting still is like asking a little kid if they never want to eat cake again. just ain't going to happen.

because how can you not say aww to that face?
take today for instance. i am sitting here writing this blog and i am also: proofreading and rewriting said blog, cleaning, phone calling, quickbooksing, multiple 'ings. i've learned after many years that i am not so great at the one task at a time thing. my brain can't focus for that long. the one thing that i am fairly good at doing without distraction is taking naps....not sleeping, oh no, not sleeping. taking naps. the going the bed at night and sleeping thing - ha! - haven't done that in quite a while. but i can dominate a nap. they are however, few and far between which saddens me, because i LOVE naps.

okay enough rambling. i've made a short list for my happiness project, perhaps i'll change it to my happiness portfolio, this way i can add and subtract as i wish. i will keep you posted as when i finalize the first round.

i haven't got any terribly funny work stories. well i have one, but i'll write it later this week. you know when i have all that free time and am not multitasking.....
