Tuesday, January 11, 2011


snow day. part 2. i think the cabin fever may have set in. my driveway goes straight down; there is no getting out. i am not even sure that i could leave on foot if i even tried. that may come later based on how stir crazy i get by the end of the day...

now around the warehouse things constantly need fixed. it's kind of a continuous string of calamities that may or may not get dealt with. one that needed to be dealt with for oh as long as i have been here, and most certainly needed to be fixed before i got here, attempted to get fixed one morning.

i stroll into the warehouse one morning and notice that one of the forklifts is in the shop bay. the mast is all the way up and there appears to be a human hanging from the rafters. imagine this view at 8 in the morning. is he dead? who is he? what in the hell is going on? i put my stuff down and stroll on back to the shop bay to see exactly what is going on.

it's darwin. he is hanging/repelling from the rafters. he has climbed the forklift and has attached himself to the rafters to fix the florescent lights. yes, most of the florescent lights have been out since oh i don't know circa 2005, but that does not mean that we need to be climbing forklifts to hang from rafters.

now this whole scenario wouldn't have been quite so terrible if say someone had actually have been there to make sure he didn't topple off the top of the forklift, electrocute himself, or i don't know help. now that is where i stepped in. handing him lightbulbs, sockets, the whole nine yards. but still nothing is more nerve racking (well actually there is, but we won't go there today) than seeing your boss hanging from the rafters with no adult supervision.

he always tells me to be careful when i am climbing on things (log piles, metal sculptures, lumber packs...) and i always tell him that i am okay, i used to do this all the time. he responds with well i don't want to have to explain to your mother what happened. i proceed to explain that my mother would understand and most certainly wouldn't be surprised....however if we reverse that situation, i am not sure how i would explain that to his mom, besides yes ma'am i am very sorry. i have sold the business and praia and i are moving to the beach...come and visit...(are you sensing a pattern of my life goals yet...beach, beach, and some more beach, with a side of beach.)

so snow day...good lousy i am going insane...

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