Thursday, January 13, 2011

snowmageddon. part 4.

welcome to snow day part 4 for this kid. i think i have reached the max capacity of snow that i can take. i live in the south for a reason and that reason does not involve snow in any way shape or form. since monday i can count how many times i have been out of my house (besides to let the dog and now dogs out) on one hand. it's 3. 3 times. i can't handle that. it's not like i have anything to do, it's the fact that i cannot do anything if i even wanted to. even the dogs are restless. it says the temperature is supposed to be 35 today. which is a lie. i just looked, only 32. so that means no melting of the awesomeness. BUT tomorrow is supposed to be 43! i have never been so happy for the 40s in my entire life! and then get this 51 on monday. ha. welcome to the south i guess.

you may wonder what i have done in 3 1/2 days of being snowed in. well i will inform you. i have read a book, cruised the entire internet (yes the entire thing), cleaned my house top to bottom, and most importantly i've had staring contests with the dogs. i don't think i or they could be more bored. i've never thought of myself as an especially boring person until this week. i may not actually be a boring person, but without civilization to talk to, i may never know. at the rate this snow is melting i for sure may never know.

if i were at work, which i desperately miss right now... the cold warehouse. the lumber smell. the propane heater in my office. the forklift cranking up. the saw buzzing through wood. the crazy customers. all of it, i miss it... i would be floating around organizing and throwing things away. i think secretly i should have gone to school for organizational purposes. i completely made that terminology up, but i am going with it.

all i have done since day one at mississippi wood trader is organize. organize the office, the bills, the company, the lumber, darwin, darwin's life, my life, and the list goes on and on. i am fairly certain i was put on this earth to organize. which comes to the day that i decided we needed a job board. darwin may have suggested it, but again let's be honest it's up to me to get most ideas moving along. we needed some way to organize the jobs that were going on so that we could see them clearly and plan accordingly. which meant i got to craft and organize all in one sitting. that. was. a. big. day. i walk into work armed with paint pens. i find a suitable ruler substitute and get to drawing. we have a big dry erase board that currently wasn't being utilized so i ganked that and put it up in the office. about an hour and a half later, the job board was created.

moral of the story. if i get to organize and create. i am a happy girl. just like when i got to organize and create things for the scott antique market that we bust, but fun anyway. i think i am going to now try on every piece of clothing i own and decide if i like it anymore...wish me luck.

p.s. that is not a picture of my house, but that is what i feel like....

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