Monday, January 3, 2011

good riddance.

new year. new you. that's how it works correct? well new year, new way of organizing and staying there. i think that may be my motto after what i walked into this morning. the office looked like a tasmanian devil had zipped around and threw stuff EVERYWHERE! i mean good gracious. granted i was gone for a week or so. but really. darwin wasn't here that on earth could it have gotten so bad. so bad in fact that darwin (mister unorganized) called me this morning to chat about the day and asked me if i would clean the office as it was driving him crazy. imagine if it was driving him crazy how it made me feel....

so with the office finally clean and things put in the respective places (for the time being at least) i get to my favorite part of the year. making resolutions that you know you won't keep. ha, that's not really my favorite part. my favorite part is purging the old stuff to get ready for new stuff. like say a tractor trailer load of heart pine...oh wait...that already appeared, and shuffled everything around into places they don't belong.

back to purging. this means that i get to take all of last year's crap, ahem, stuff, and stick it in a box, label it 2010 and close the lid and never think about it again (until darwin needs a receipt circa 2005...) i get to organize AND put away. 2 of my absolute favorite things. absolutely no sarcasm there. really i swear i actually enjoy organizing stuff within an inch of it's life. it's really quite cathartic.

so cheers to 2011. it most certainly can't be worse than 2010. well at least not for me, because if it is, my poor little brain and soul can't handle it and you can most certainly bet i will cash out and move to fiji, or tahiti, or culebra, or somewhere ANYWHERE secluded with no cell phone reception, a beach, and tiny umbrellas for your drinks. you can find me at the bar, third seat from the left...

i would typed the lyrics to auld lang syne here, but really who cares. SALUD!

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