Thursday, November 3, 2011

so it's been a month...literally.

wow, firstly i apologize. it's been a month. eek.

have you ever felt like you are being pulled in so many directions you feel as if you may actually come apart? yes? good, i am glad to know that i am not the only one.

we've moved the shop (hence the delay). that meant two things: heavy lifting and planning. guess which one excited me more? if you guessed planning you would be correct. however, the heavy lifting wasn't far off. now knowing what i know about darwin, this planning wasn't going to be easy. i planned and planned and then replanned. still wasn't enough planning. i should have known, right? well luckily i did, and planned accordingly. that involved letting darwin dilly dally until he freaked out. then, i picked up the pieces, took over, made a checklist, and replanned. we made it. just barely, but we are alive and the proud new owners (renters) of a wood shed. well it is nicer than a shed, but not quite, say, a warehouse. so...shedhouse? wareshed? whatever you call it, it's ours and it's quiet and it's in the middle of NOWHERE.

with that middle of nowhereness, i get to build things. what is second on my list of awesome things after planning? making stuff. right now we are building a solar kiln --- forklifts, nail guns, staplers, trucks --- mmm powertools. whilst building the solar kiln, i have built a bookshelf, a bunch of triangular shelf supports, and learned the fundamentals of trailer driving and parking...

i really like the hands on approach. yea you may screw it up and get a little dirty, but whatever, you're learning. learning means growing, so i've go that going for me.

aside from all that awesomeness, darwin and i have started a furniture line (second delay). it's a urban reclaimed natural edge furniture line. i've come up with a name and i am pretty sure we are in agreement with it: UrbanGreen. follow us on Facebook, bookmark our BLOG (and mine too), spread the word, and most importantly...BUY SOMETHING!


stay tuned for a funny story in solar kiln building. i promise it won't take a month....

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