Monday, November 14, 2011


i'm alright, don't nobody worry 'bout me.  --- i mean look at him, he is just so dang happy.

it's monday folks. and you know what that means. that means i am tired and my brain is  functioning at about 72%. not exactly my best showing.  it's a little preoccupied to say the least.

this new furniture line is really intense and i am not entirely positive the best approach to take to make it work. aside from i don't know, whoring it out across the south. i'm just not well versed in the whole marketing and sales field. i am actually really good at sales, but it's got to be something i know a lot about. furniture, well furniture just isn't one of those things that i particularly know a whole lot about. i mean i can talk to you for days about the furniture, but the actual art of how to sell furniture - completely and totally beyond me. so now i am left with this task of figuring out how to sell furniture. so i have been attempting research as we saw in my last post, but i think that mainly just gives me more questions than answers. which in my book is quite possibly the most frustrating things ever.

maybe i need to drink a lot of diet coke and just annoy the shit out of people until they buy my things. would that work? probably not, because i start to annoy myself after too much caffeine. people who don't even know me that well, have told me that they thought if i were to drink coffee that i would ping pong around a room like a bouncy ball. you know what, they are absolutely correct. some days call for caffeine, but most days - steer clear.

i will say that while doing all this research, i have managed to come across this guy's blog:  not only is he absolutely hysterical, he has some pretty good insights. i think we should be friends. this article is one of them that i can relate very well too:

read him, love him, and do as i will probably do and that is try and find his book. but then again, i'll probably procrastinate a bit and then forget, remember it a month later, write it down in my list of tasks, and then forget again. eventually i will get back to remembering. i often do. which he also talks about. hmmm. crazy. he must be on to something.


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