Friday, November 18, 2011

whiskey fridays. or wednesdays. or whenevers...

things around here have been going at approximately 90 bajillion miles an hour. yes, 90 bajillion. next week is thanksgiving....but apparently it's not a real holiday, because all i am seeing are christmas commercials. don't get me wrong, i LOVE christmas, am a toddler about it, but can't we at least celebrate the holidays in order without another infringing? hmmmm. can we? can we now?

with that being said, i feel as if it is 3 in the morning. i'm not tired or anything of that nature, but i feel as if i have been running non-stop. i had honestly no idea that it was friday today. not even a vague clue. that's pretty bad, because that means i didn't know yesterday was thursday. thursday is my favorite day of the week. go figure right?

we've sold our first piece of furniture...wooohoo - - find us, love us, like us, buy us....

i am steadily trying to promote us any way that i can. which involves no less than 3 changes to each website that i've made. including the biggest one of all and that was....A NAME CHANGE...wooo hooo. if you didn't notice in the last paragraph, but our name is now Urban Reclaimed. all of our websites can be found from the one above -  i think i have now successfully made everything talk to each other. by i, i clearly mean, darwin's friend john....he helped get going. pretty sweet.

we are working on a logo, and i am trying to decide if i want to do a brochure. brochures are annoying and a pain in my ass, but i have not entirely ruled them out. we will see.

i just want it to be monday at approximately 10:00 am. that means i am dropping dar off at the airport and me, the coneman, and sweet praia girl are headed to the m...mmmhmm.  whiskey, food, and no responsibilities. yes please.


'like' us on facebook (and mississippi wood trader), follow us on twitter (and me too), bookmark our website (and mine too)....selfless promotion right there...selfless

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