Friday, November 18, 2011

whiskey fridays. or wednesdays. or whenevers...

things around here have been going at approximately 90 bajillion miles an hour. yes, 90 bajillion. next week is thanksgiving....but apparently it's not a real holiday, because all i am seeing are christmas commercials. don't get me wrong, i LOVE christmas, am a toddler about it, but can't we at least celebrate the holidays in order without another infringing? hmmmm. can we? can we now?

with that being said, i feel as if it is 3 in the morning. i'm not tired or anything of that nature, but i feel as if i have been running non-stop. i had honestly no idea that it was friday today. not even a vague clue. that's pretty bad, because that means i didn't know yesterday was thursday. thursday is my favorite day of the week. go figure right?

we've sold our first piece of furniture...wooohoo - - find us, love us, like us, buy us....

i am steadily trying to promote us any way that i can. which involves no less than 3 changes to each website that i've made. including the biggest one of all and that was....A NAME CHANGE...wooo hooo. if you didn't notice in the last paragraph, but our name is now Urban Reclaimed. all of our websites can be found from the one above -  i think i have now successfully made everything talk to each other. by i, i clearly mean, darwin's friend john....he helped get going. pretty sweet.

we are working on a logo, and i am trying to decide if i want to do a brochure. brochures are annoying and a pain in my ass, but i have not entirely ruled them out. we will see.

i just want it to be monday at approximately 10:00 am. that means i am dropping dar off at the airport and me, the coneman, and sweet praia girl are headed to the m...mmmhmm.  whiskey, food, and no responsibilities. yes please.


'like' us on facebook (and mississippi wood trader), follow us on twitter (and me too), bookmark our website (and mine too)....selfless promotion right there...selfless

Monday, November 14, 2011


i'm alright, don't nobody worry 'bout me.  --- i mean look at him, he is just so dang happy.

it's monday folks. and you know what that means. that means i am tired and my brain is  functioning at about 72%. not exactly my best showing.  it's a little preoccupied to say the least.

this new furniture line is really intense and i am not entirely positive the best approach to take to make it work. aside from i don't know, whoring it out across the south. i'm just not well versed in the whole marketing and sales field. i am actually really good at sales, but it's got to be something i know a lot about. furniture, well furniture just isn't one of those things that i particularly know a whole lot about. i mean i can talk to you for days about the furniture, but the actual art of how to sell furniture - completely and totally beyond me. so now i am left with this task of figuring out how to sell furniture. so i have been attempting research as we saw in my last post, but i think that mainly just gives me more questions than answers. which in my book is quite possibly the most frustrating things ever.

maybe i need to drink a lot of diet coke and just annoy the shit out of people until they buy my things. would that work? probably not, because i start to annoy myself after too much caffeine. people who don't even know me that well, have told me that they thought if i were to drink coffee that i would ping pong around a room like a bouncy ball. you know what, they are absolutely correct. some days call for caffeine, but most days - steer clear.

i will say that while doing all this research, i have managed to come across this guy's blog:  not only is he absolutely hysterical, he has some pretty good insights. i think we should be friends. this article is one of them that i can relate very well too:

read him, love him, and do as i will probably do and that is try and find his book. but then again, i'll probably procrastinate a bit and then forget, remember it a month later, write it down in my list of tasks, and then forget again. eventually i will get back to remembering. i often do. which he also talks about. hmmm. crazy. he must be on to something.


Friday, November 11, 2011


where does one start to build a new company? i know how to work for a small company. i know how to run a small company. but building a new company? that i am not entirely positive on how to accomplish. i've done a lot of research and they all say there are three key components:

1. Momentum
2. Dedication/Perseverance
3. Luck

gee. those might be the most vague things ever. ever.

momentum - so the very act of momentum means that you have some sort of idea as to what you are doing. well i've got direction and drive, so does that count as momentum? people like our stuff. is that momentum?

dedication and perseverance - well those clearly i've got. we've most decidedly proved that we can persevere through the roughest of times. and i guess that rolls into dedication. so number two, i think i am well versed in. now it's a matter of keeping that up, which shouldn't be too hard. i've weathered some tough storms with mississippi wood trader, so this new venture shouldn't be too tough, yea? yea? maybe? maybe?

luck - oh luck. man that is the million dollar award there. everyone wants luck. i mean that's not something you can actually go out and buy. you either have luck or you don't. so this one could get tricky.

but apparently those are the 3 things you need to make a business. go figure. well those aren't the only three. that would be me telling you a lie. there are lots of other things, but those mainly fixate on keeping the company alive once you've got it rolling. those i am well versed in. they mainly still revolve around those 3 key concepts though.

so now i am in this cycle. i don't like cycles. this could be entertaining....

check us out: - - - facebook. the whole nine yards. ----so like us on facebook (UrbanGreen and Mississippi Wood Trader) and bookmark our blog (mine as well).


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

learning curve...

some days, i just want to lay down and take a nap and wake up when everything is over. is there a button in life to make that happen?

when we moved out to this new shop, the whole point was to be able to slow down and breathe for about 2.5 seconds. well we have successfully moved out to the new shop and managed to speed up. i'm not entirely positive how we managed to accomplish that, but we have.

my poor little brain is at max capacity and it's beginning to show. small things that i am usually really good at remembering have been immediately pushed out of my brain for the next task. i like to make sure everything is accomplished before i move onto a new task, but lately i have been just adding new tasks on and hoping that everything comes together.

it's been a struggle. a really fun struggle i might add, but a struggle.

so this solar kiln....

i got to use powertools. the inherent problem with darwin and i being the only two people is that i am no where near as strong as darwin. therefore he has to do all the heavy lifting (well most of it) and i have to catch. quite literally. the solar kiln beginning was a rocky one. dual forklift driving, trailer driving, stabilizing, and so forth. we got the sides up, but man i did not like having that pressure of making sure to drive the nail in the exact spot and the exact moment. if you miss, well i guess it would be kiss your boss goodbye instead of your ass.

so once we got the sides up, we decided that we actually wanted to move the kiln. goody. so that meant taking it apart to put it back together again. well the apart side has gone smoothly, the putting back together side has not. it is still laying in a heap in the field. tomorrow i think is it's day of rebuilding. so fingers crossed.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

so it's been a month...literally.

wow, firstly i apologize. it's been a month. eek.

have you ever felt like you are being pulled in so many directions you feel as if you may actually come apart? yes? good, i am glad to know that i am not the only one.

we've moved the shop (hence the delay). that meant two things: heavy lifting and planning. guess which one excited me more? if you guessed planning you would be correct. however, the heavy lifting wasn't far off. now knowing what i know about darwin, this planning wasn't going to be easy. i planned and planned and then replanned. still wasn't enough planning. i should have known, right? well luckily i did, and planned accordingly. that involved letting darwin dilly dally until he freaked out. then, i picked up the pieces, took over, made a checklist, and replanned. we made it. just barely, but we are alive and the proud new owners (renters) of a wood shed. well it is nicer than a shed, but not quite, say, a warehouse. so...shedhouse? wareshed? whatever you call it, it's ours and it's quiet and it's in the middle of NOWHERE.

with that middle of nowhereness, i get to build things. what is second on my list of awesome things after planning? making stuff. right now we are building a solar kiln --- forklifts, nail guns, staplers, trucks --- mmm powertools. whilst building the solar kiln, i have built a bookshelf, a bunch of triangular shelf supports, and learned the fundamentals of trailer driving and parking...

i really like the hands on approach. yea you may screw it up and get a little dirty, but whatever, you're learning. learning means growing, so i've go that going for me.

aside from all that awesomeness, darwin and i have started a furniture line (second delay). it's a urban reclaimed natural edge furniture line. i've come up with a name and i am pretty sure we are in agreement with it: UrbanGreen. follow us on Facebook, bookmark our BLOG (and mine too), spread the word, and most importantly...BUY SOMETHING!


stay tuned for a funny story in solar kiln building. i promise it won't take a month....