Monday, June 6, 2011

dancing hippos.

i know i've said this before, BUT i really really think we should abolish mondays. they are the absolute pits. they are always a disaster. never fails. monday comes along and wham, instant day ruiner. i do however have this theory that even if you eliminate monday from existence, some other day becomes monday. i've tested it. whatever day starts your "workweek" is monday, and it will about 76% of the time be terrible. it may not be terrible in the sense that lots of things go wrong (but they probably will), but it's almost a game of constant catch up. people want their stuff delivered early, or they want nothing to do with their order anymore, they needed their stuff the day they ordered get the idea.

i also want to know if customers think we have the ability to just pull things out of thin air, because we most definitely do not. i can't just produce kiln dried, cut to spec, lumber. it's just ain't happening folks. ain't happening. plain and simple....i can barely keep up with what we do have in stock, much less keep up with finished lumber. which is precisely why we don't keep a great amount of finished lumber around. because invariably we will stock 6" material and people will want 5". instead of wasting a bunch of lumber and money, we keep rough cut material in the shop and cut it to order. makes for a much easier day. well, most days at least.

i understand the demand for getting orders done on time. i can promise you i really understand. there is no need to tell me. i get that people drag their feet right up to the last second and then they need faster than humanly possible. so i put a halt to that real quick and tell them the realistic time when something might be ready...MIGHT being the operative term there. a big ole fat might. i cannot make guarantees about scheduling. we've done it before and it always comes back to bite us in the butt. so we give you a ball park and then keep you updated along the way. it's MUUUUCH easier that way...

i also wish my boss would stop just disappearing. like right now for instance. no idea where he is. not even a vague clue. makes for a fun afternoon. we both left at the same time and i thought we were going to be arriving back at the same time...clearly i was mistaken.

oh mondays....


p.s. i've decided to give this twitter nonsense a try. verdict is still out. it and facebook updates are beginning to take over some peoples worlds...i don't want to be one of those.

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