Tuesday, April 12, 2011

what's a girl got to do, to get some beach action?

do you ever have those days where you want to politely (or not so politely) excuse yourself from the world and just run away for a little while? i've been thinking, with increasing notion, that this may be a good idea. everyone needs a little break, right? right? right? anyone? just a little break. nothing major. just an escape. oh, i like that better, an escape. it's rather like when you just want a brownie, or a chip, or some ice-cream. it smooths everything over just enough to get you back into the swing of things. a refresher if you will. nothing major or life-changing. just a chance to relax and forget about the stresses that come day to day.

perhaps a fruity drink with an umbrella in it would tide me over for a bit. probably not, but it may be my best option for now. i think me and the beach would get along quite well. i wouldn't be pushy or ask too many questions (i tend to ask too many questions...most of the time i don't want answers, they are just out loud musings.). i promise i really won't.

my best friend and her family were kind enough to take me to asheville, north carolina last weekend. that was a great reprieve. i did learn however that i am a beach kid to the core. the mountains are beautiful and picturesque, but there is just something about the beach. the smell, the waves, the sand, the salt. all of it. it made me miss the beach even more. mainly the beach as a kid. playing in the sand making castles. finding sand for the next three weeks after you've left the beach....

today has been rather eventful and has made darwin and i seriously rethink the way things run around the shop. nothing like calling the cops by 10:45 on a tuesday to get your day going. not one of our better mornings. none of it was our fault, but it means that security is going to be a lot tighter around the shop and that i probably in all likelihood won't ever be there alone again. or perhaps i should start carrying a gun. wouldn't that be entertaining? dot with a gun. ha.

so as much fun as the shop has been today: guy trying to sell me a fake-ass gold chain (ya know, to pay for his car getting worked on next door); cops; forklift driving; darwin in the rafters standing on the forklift...it's been a big day and i am glad to say that i am no longer sitting at the shop. it's not the beach or anything (that would make this tuesday far more exhilarating, not too mention, this blog probably wouldn't be written), but it most certainly is not the ghetto....but then again nothing really is.


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