Tuesday, April 5, 2011

punch drunk.

mikey and rachel got married this weekend (my brother and my new sister). i am super excited for the two of them and couldn't be happier.

i also managed to give a speech without having a nervous breakdown. don't get me wrong, i tried very hard to have a nervous breakdown, i just managed to subdue it a bit....read: copious amount of beer. BUT i did it.

meanwhile back at the ranch, we are playing car roulette again.

keisha is officially brand new (again). new heart and back at the shop (well okay, fine, she is in route)
georgedolly is at the shop getting some new accessories (boys and their toys...)
the xterra is well, limping. it's not pretty. she and my and dog are old and tired.
the rover is sold. to some poor, poor soul who has no idea that it's going to implode

so we are down to 1.5 vehicles. amazing. out of 4, well really 3 because the rover is someone else's problem now, we have 2 and those are currently running at less than half capacity. TERRIBLE!

darwin wants to purchase an old jeep and run it on propane. now i've done the logic argument and ya know what? let him have his toy. (not like he wasn't going to purchase it anyway). i mean this is his company. his heart and soul and sweat equity have kept this place together, so why shouldn't he have his car project? not to mention he loves a good car project. he gets to be all manly and things. so of course: jeep project.

we tossed around the idea of leasing a honda civic. but, who honestly wants to drive a civic? they have absolutely no game. NONE. you flat out cannot look cool driving around a honda civic. i don't care what anyone says. you just can't.

now apparently i have been thrown the honda civic bone. my car according to darwin "worries him every time i get in it." well, that's reassuring. so now i am left with this conundrum. i don't want a new car. i want mine to do what it is built to do. (side note: while driving home for the wedding, the dashboard just stopped working for a little while....no speedometer, no odometer, no fuel gauge. nothing.) but it is 11 years old and it just keeps breaking. as much as i hate to admit, it's either sink a lot of money into it and fix it completely or it may be time to look at other options...i am heartbroken. absolutely heartbroken. not to mention i don't want a stupid honda civic....

so i got that going for me....


mmmmm. i CANNOT wait to drive the new and improved keisha! WAHOOOO

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