Tuesday, March 1, 2011

punxsutawney phil, you may have been right...

spring time is almost here. i can smell it, i can almost taste it. it has been beautiful around here for the past 2 or so weeks (i am hoping it's not some sort of long term fluke), and i cannot wait for warm weather to finally be here. the past couple of weeks around here have involved a lot of car fixing. i mean a lot.

my car. the mercedes. the rover. keisha. george. that makes for all of the cars (not too mention the forklifts...). all of them. it's been an eventful few weeks.

but i'll tell you the story of my car. so i just got it back from the shop and i am tootling along with the dogs. we've hit the post office, the bank and then we stopped at my house so i could have a pb&j and some cheez-its (yes i am a toddler.). we all load up and off we go. i get about maybe 3/4 of a mile from my house and my temperature gauge starts to slowly creep up. so i turn the heat on full blast and pray. i get to a light and smoke is coming out of my car and the needle is spiking. so thankfully, the turn lane was open and i pulled a u-turn as fast as i possibly could (sorry mom and dad if i get a red light ticket...). i am flying down the road trying to cool down my car. then wham, i get trapped a red light. i am screaming profanities and then finally, i just turn in front of people because my car is about to explode. i come to a screeching halt (shuttering as well), and proceed to have to walk the dogs, sans leashes, down the block to my house. not soo bad. i go to check on the car, it is just billowing. i am panicky and can't get in touch with darwin and leave a terribly horrific message with drew (i sounded like a beaten 12 year old.). i called my mom and just started cursing and screaming, and she told me to call my father. so i called daddy, a little calmer, not much, and he proceeded to tell me to call darwin....don't you think i've tried that? well finally get in touch with darwin, and we decide best option is to get it towed down to the warehouse instead of taking it to the repair shop. we could look it over and decide what was best from there. so $20 worth of coolant and $50 worth of new hoses later, my little baby is fixed, again, for like the 80 zillionth time this year...

well so when i got the car towed (thank you AAA, you are a godsend), the guy gets out of his truck and low and behold it's the same guy that towed the mercedes back to the warehouse. so he looks at me and asks, hey didn't i tow something for you? and i smile and say yes, yes you did, a mercedes. chit chat a bit, he tells me he buys old storage lockers that are up for auction, it was a grand old time. he was a super nice guy. favorite part, i told him the story of darwin getting keisha and trailer towed back to the shop in 5 o'clock downtown traffic when the brakes went out (that's a fun story) and he broke 2 AAA trucks...the guy says wait wait wait, i've heard that story. that story has been circling around AAA. HA, we are legends...what a calamity of vehicles we are these days....


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