Tuesday, February 22, 2011


downtime is something that comes in waves around this humble ghettolumberyard. some days it is go, go, go around here, and it is nice to have a little downtime to just breathe and assess. but when you get a couple of those days in a row, you tend to go insane. i mean there are only so many ways to analyze something before you come to the conclusion that a self imploding bomb set in the middle of the warehouse to go off at any given moment might be the best solution. i am particularly good at analyzing things, i just have no off button. that is my problem. the off button. i forget where i've placed it, and it is often misplaced for months upon end. so after about 4 months of misplacement, i decided to get my mind off of things.

so i did what made the most sense. i started a business. perfect i know. exactly what i need to get my mind off the other business. ha. phenomenal. but, at the moment it is working...stay tuned.

speaking of go, go, go. darwin decided he was going to teach me to drive george (new white dually, i name it george and it stuck). george is a stick shift. darwin decided moving it in the warehouse was a good time for me to learn...false. there are expensive things around me...lots and lots of expensive things. needless to say things did not go well. i didn't break anything, well my pride, but nothing irreplaceable. so darwin was standing on the running board with his head in the window leaning over me, putting the truck in gear, and then he told me to slowly pull up on the clutch...never used a clutch before...proceeded to drop the clutch. scream. slam on breaks, and give darwin the evil eye. it was not good. he was screaming you dropped the clutch, you dropped the clutch. i looked at him and said clearly i don't know what that means, but i would like to get out of this truck now. please and thank you. i told him we could reschedule for a later date...ya know when nothing expensive was surrounding me...

here's my business venture... http://www.etsy.com/shop/dorothyspiotta - i haven't added anything yet, that will come later tonight. so check it out tomorrow....

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