Monday, March 28, 2011

to do:

at the ripe old age of 24 i have come to the conclusion that there are certain life goals that need to be achieved. some of them are mandatory rights of passage and some of them are just for shits and giggles if i am being perfectly honest with you all.

so in my 24 years on this earth i have:

traveled to Europe
been to many states in the us - some still have managed to avoid me
seen multiple oceans
flown in a plane
flown in a plane piloted by my dad
white water rafted down the middle fork in Idaho
white water rafted in middle Tennessee
eaten real live, honest to god, tried and true gelato in Italy
run 2 half marathons
graduated from the college of my dreams
paid taxes
helped grow a small business
started a small business (very small at the moment)
been through breakups
played in the snow
been to numerous concerts
rock climbed (albeit indoors - hey hey i'm working my way up)
eaten fresh off the boat lobster
eaten fresh picked fruit
been out of my comfort zone
been completely and utterly lost (not directionally - those are adventures, oh and i NEVER get lost)
and a multitude of others that i am just not remembering right now.

but there are a select group of other things that i also have not done and it seems silly in retrospect that i have never done them:

driven a stick shift
driven cross country
shot a gun
seen jurassic park (yes i know, ridicule me if you will) or castaway for that matter
successfully given a speech without nervous breakdown ensuing
built something completely from scratch
danced on a bar
eaten an entire box of girl scout cookies (i am sure i have come dangerously close)

this year i have decided that i am going to add to my list of accomplished things.

now this list may not get completed with things solely on the not done yet tasks, but that is also because i am sure there are a gajillion things that should be on there that i haven't thought of. live in the moment, right?

but 2 of those things are going to be accomplished via work. gun shooting and stick driving. get your country on folks...hahaha


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