Friday, December 17, 2010

you play ball like a girl!

well hello there. it's so nice to see you. what can i help you with?
- this is typical of how a day in my life goes. usually there is a problem involved in this and it's that a. i didn't know they were coming b. i have no idea who they are c. they refuse to tell me what they want/who they are.

this also occurs on the phone quite a bit. hello, yes i need a quote on such and such. okay well questions questions questions. okay, well what is your number, okay now what is your name? OR my favorite personally. i need some wood and want to come see what you have got. -okay we are appointment only. when is a good time for you - well when are you there? - good grief charlie brown....around in circles we go a couple of times...-okay i'll see you then. - okay great, what is your name, would you like directions?

what happened to the simple etiquette of introducing yourself before you speak to someone who clearly has no idea who you are. i introduce myself when i answer the phone, you could at least do the same. i mean come on. how hard is it to remember your own name? i get it, some people are just too scattered to notice they have not introduced themselves, but then you get awkwardly far into the conversation and you can't ask for their name so now you have to wait for a saving grace. someone to walk up and introduce themselves. that doesn't always work however. darwin and i try that a lot. he will talk to someone without having a vague idea what their name is and i will walk out and introduce myself. sometimes it works, sometimes i just get oh hello nice to meet you. well shoot.

this usually happens more to me than to darwin because he likes to schedule meetings and conveniently "forget" about them. so in walks said person and i have no idea why they are here, what they want, much less who they are. that usually leads to a frantic phone call to darwin and he of course doesn't answer, because that would make my life entirely too easy. so i move along and introduce myself and ask what they are specifically looking for. usually something complicated so i just nod, smile, and point. (works wonders). always immediately when they leave, darwin calls me back... you're killing me smalls.

this happened the other day. i did have notice this time. darwin called me the night before and told me that designer was coming by to look at stuff. he was sure he would be there on time, but to make sure i was supposed to get there earlier than normal. okay okay fine fine yep yep. of course he was late. she was perfectly lovely and easy to talk to. (she also brought doughnuts; quickest way to darwin and i's hearts is through food.). we chatted, she told me about a sewing class, i told her my sewing knowledge...all was copacetic and then in strolls darwin. he takes over and i slink away. she did however come to find out that i was the way to reach darwin. email me or call me and i will get it done. darwin will more than likely forget about it, and also in turn forget to tell me about it....makes for a fun day for me with angry customers that i have to ping pong around topics with because i truly have no idea what they are talking about....

etiquette people. simple simple etiquette. use it and see how you are rewarded. not always, but more than enough to warrant it's use. etiquette lesson of the day: do not fold napkins and put them back on the table when you are finished. they are supposed to be wadded. side note: i HATE wadded napkins. tricky little devils...

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