Tuesday, December 7, 2010

and the streets are paved with cheese!

isms. everyone has them. it's like a persons trademark. most of the time you don't know that you use them incessantly until someone points it out to you.

my isms:
(i am sure there are more, but refer back to my previous statement)

darwin's isms:
good lousy
jam up good/deal/price
rat bastard

there are many more, and all equally entertaining based upon the situations.

the problem with isms, is once people point them out to you, you don't really want to use them anymore. you try to avoid them, but like a bad habit out of your mouth they pop. speaking of pop. (no i haven't had an soda, silly.)

let me tell you about the mouse story...this was a fun day in my life...

the office used to be set up a little differently and the filing cabinets were in the next office over (now the storage/refrigerator/crap pile room). darwin was outside on the phone, drew was piddling around, mike and johnny were doing whatever it was that mike and johnny did (or lack thereof), and i was being good little office manager and filing stuff away in appropriate places. soooo. i open the filing cabinet not really paying attention and there is a mouse. A MOUSE. A REAL LIVE HONEST TO GOD MOUSE just sitting on top of the files. sooo not okay. i screamed, threw the files and ran away. i am pretty sure everyone thought that i had been shot. i tap danced around screaming. what, what happened? THERE IS A MOUSE IN THE FILING CABINET! IN THE F-ING FILING CABINET. laughter erupts. (aside from me of course, i am still trying not to cry.)

johnny tells me: what you ain't never seen a mouse before? come on white girl.

listen, i've seen mice, but i do not want to see mice. i do not like mice. i do not care for mice. there beady little eyes and that tail. gross. enough said.

so mouse scurries away and they all think i am crazy and a scaredy cat. phenomenal.

later that year, i have another encounter with this mouse. he is just walking across the my office just cool as can be. i am having a stare down with a mouse. go figure. i knew that little bugger would be back to haunt me.

i am still convinced that no one believes me about the mouse in the filing cabinet. i mean i wouldn't believe me.

this coincides with another story about cockroaches, but that will have to wait until i have feeling in my fingers.


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