Wednesday, December 15, 2010

jelly of the month club?

it's the holidays. it's cold. this translates, to dot freezing to death. yea i mean quite literally freezing to death. there just are not enough layers in my closet to adequately provide for warmth. i did learn that darwin bought me a present. in the form of a propane powered heater. YES! maybe now my fingers won't hurt so incredibly bad, or the pens will stop rebelling and start writing again, and maybe just maybe the internet router will start to function properly again. all of these are big maybes i might add....

back to the holidays. the season of giving. well at the moment i am fighting with to make christmas cards for work. yes it's last minute and yes having a proper internet connection would probably work wonders, but again these are things i don't have. we always do things last minute. i did however make a list of people to send them too about 2 weeks ago. so you know, way ahead of schedule there. now i am back to behind schedule. welcome to december. side note: i'll probably end up buying darwin's christmas presents for him next week, because let's face it, he's never going to get it done...

okay so holiday cards. i personally love getting them. i really like ones with pictures. so that is what we are doing this year. we had grand plans of sitting on the log yard with the dogs and taking a picture, but that clearly didn't happen. ::sigh:: maybe next year. ha, yea right. besides it's been too freaking cold to even be alive, must less pose for a picture. so that led me to scrounging around the computer for pictures. naturally i figured one with wood in it would probably be appropriate, go figure, but i also wanted one of me and darwin. ya know the brains, heart and the soul of this operation...(i would like to take credit for all mentioned, but with the holiday season upon us, i let darwin have some of the glory as well....) here is the hitch, there is not a single picture of us together. not a single one out of 2 years. so then i had to ponder. and then i remembered....we went to maine this summer. there is ONE picture. it's terrible, we look stupid happy (probably because we just ate free fresh off the boat lobsters); scratch that, we look like little kids on christmas...PERFECT.

maybe we should just enroll everyone in a jelly of the month is the gift that keeps on giving...

so now i have to decide what else to use. put the dogs in the picture? maybe. just maybe...i swear this post is attempting to go somewhere. here it is. my first christmas at the lumber yard (sounds like a children's book). i was again in charge of christmas cards. so i decided to elf ourselves. if you haven't elfed yourself, i highly recommend it. HILARIOUS. darwin was santa, and whitney and i were elves. it was atrocious and hysterical. everyone loved them. i had a great time making them, mainly because if people only knew what hijinx go on around here, they might be a little bit appalled. but whatever. christmas cards. yes please. now if only the internet would work properly...

i wish i still had the photo to show you guys. i have no idea where it is. it was disgusting.

a la christmas vacation (one of my favorite movies of all times):

"Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse."

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