Monday, January 21, 2013

week update.

getting back in the groove.

rougher than you would think. well i guess not really rougher, but certainly sleepier.

it's MLK day and since the bank is closed, i took it upon myself and my civil liberties to not leave my pajamas or my house. i did get some work done (not any wood stuff however) but all while in the comfort of my own home.

i decided to make today an all over rest day. it's supposed to be a running rest day, but i may actually make that one happen (also a different story on a different blog) and after working all week and weekend, i decided it needed to be a mental health day.

side note: since it rained all of last week everything got pushed back and i was a crabby mess. i wrote a post that i never published. it's better that way. i just sounded like a whiny two year old. not attractive.

on this rest day i will offer you a recap of last week.


morning meeting in the rain. darwin @ hgtv
afternoon pow-wow since darwin's schedule got change because of, you guessed it, rain


darwin @ hgtv
i was out at the mechanic shop all day helping do quickbooks
i also was fielding phone calls and making ones.
basic multi-tasking per usual


picked up some scrap metal and some non scrap metal. 


darwin @ hgtv
driving the truck around (how do businesses stay open when they don't open until 10? and not businesses of the retail persuasion)
fielding phone calls, writing emails....


there may be sun, but the truck takes forever to warm up...

hallelujah there is sunshine!!!!
darwin @ hgtv
delivery of some heavy ass oak
drive up to new shop
praia locks me out....tomorrow you can have that post





 thus incurring the rest day where i don't have sawdust up my nose, in my ears or mouth.


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