Wednesday, January 9, 2013

new year. big changes.

it's been a minute, but we at mississippi wood trader have met some big changes.

darwin has been asked to co-host a tv show for HGTV. i am super proud of him and super excited for him to have this unbelievable opportunity. he is going to knock it out of the park, i just know it.

so what does one do when their boss is drafted to be on tv and there is still a company that needs to be run, books to be balanced, dog to be tended too, trucks to be maintained, etc. etc?

in my case you cue meltdown. no, i'm just kidding.

there was a momentary what the fuck moment with a side feeling of abandonment, but those passed quickly once i realized that a. the world hadn't ended (silly mayans and their calendar of doom) b. yes it was a change, but it's not the worst change we've endured c. darwin isn't going anywhere d. i get the dog. just kidding. or am i?

praia apparently is worse at change than i am. i dropped darwin off this morning and she sat in the backseat looking out the window gazing longingly for her owner.

then she realized i would feed her and let her poop in a real backyard and she was happy. then again, this is how the princess is sitting with me today.

just a little personal space sharing to get your day started.

for 2013 i promised myself to embrace change, dream big, and to not be afraid. this whole hgtv curveball, i suppose is the universe's way of saying now or never. it's going to be a hustle and a challenge and i am sure a few sailor's words will exit my mouth, but i am determined to have some fun with it.


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