Friday, May 20, 2011

rapture is upon us folks...

whoever said the customer is always right clearly didn't own a small business or work for a small business....darwin has a tendency to push the "fuck it" button (excuse my english) and i have a tendency to root for the customer. then along comes that one customer to prove darwin right. some people should not be allowed to communicate. just straight up no more talking.

ordering something and then complaining about what you ordered is one of my pet peeves. i hate when people get something and then proceed to talk about how much they hate it. WHY DID YOU GET IT THEN??! i understand ordering something and it not being what you thought. BUT picking it out and learning the ins and outs of it and then paying for it...what on earth do you have to complain about? what do you mean it's not what we talked about? IT'S EXACTLY LIKE WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT. it's not what you had in mind? whhhhhy did you pick it then? you could have come to us and said, i want this, and we gladly would have recreated "this" for you. we do it all the time....

silly. absolutely silly.

when these things happen, darwin tends to explode and write a letter that i then have to read and re-write. he lets his anger get the best of him and out pops this letter that is fine to write to get your anger out, but you certainly don't ever, ever, ever, ever send it. that's where i step in and mark out what is inappropriate and edit it towards the diplomatic approach. the kill them with kindness if you will. he never likes my letters, but he does agree that they are much more diplomatic to send out. he would prefer his to go out and i tell him that is adorable and ain't happenin'.

oh on a side note...why does the government send letters that clearly show them in the wrong? i just have to print out a bunch of paperwork to fill out and show them that they clearly are in the wrong. now that is just wasteful AND annoying. i really like the late payment letter. the back of it says when payment is due and then when payment is received...ours is usually a good 5 days before payment is due, and they proceed to tell us it's late...malarkey. based on their own paperwork we aren't late. BUT it does mean that i get to use the word 'ergo' in a sentence, and i really enjoy that word. that and genesis...that one i don't get to use as often.

happy friday and day before the rapture or something...oh and the picture, 2 reasons: bruce willis and armageddon is fantastic (rapture and all...)


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