Friday, June 22, 2012


summer is here.

which means things are slowing down.

now it's onto figuring out just what we are supposed to do.

we've got some money saved (you're welcome darwin), but we would prefer not to bleed ourselves dry.

coming up with meaningful tasks each day is growing more difficult with each passing day.

yesterday i successfully organized the storage space. i fought with ikea shelving for a good two hours. but i got to use powertools. and i am little kid excited that you can now see the floor and everything has a home. mmm organization.

today i drove to the kiln. and then put the seat covers on keisha as best that i could. oh and keisha got a face lift. she got a new bumper. and by bumper i mean menacing grill. it's pretty awesome. i feel like it should be in dawn of the dead.

that said bumper was quite the headache though. the body shop accepted the bumper without inspecting it and it was damaged. darwin called me and told me to to diplomatically handle it because he was going to start yelling if he called. suicide mission began.....needless to say, darwin went to the body shop the next day and told them just exactly what he thought of them and got everyone's ducks in a row....wooohoooo new bumper

must go back to brainstorming...any ideas shoot them my way.

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