Friday, June 22, 2012


summer is here.

which means things are slowing down.

now it's onto figuring out just what we are supposed to do.

we've got some money saved (you're welcome darwin), but we would prefer not to bleed ourselves dry.

coming up with meaningful tasks each day is growing more difficult with each passing day.

yesterday i successfully organized the storage space. i fought with ikea shelving for a good two hours. but i got to use powertools. and i am little kid excited that you can now see the floor and everything has a home. mmm organization.

today i drove to the kiln. and then put the seat covers on keisha as best that i could. oh and keisha got a face lift. she got a new bumper. and by bumper i mean menacing grill. it's pretty awesome. i feel like it should be in dawn of the dead.

that said bumper was quite the headache though. the body shop accepted the bumper without inspecting it and it was damaged. darwin called me and told me to to diplomatically handle it because he was going to start yelling if he called. suicide mission began.....needless to say, darwin went to the body shop the next day and told them just exactly what he thought of them and got everyone's ducks in a row....wooohoooo new bumper

must go back to brainstorming...any ideas shoot them my way.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

latest update...

many apologies. without further ado...

With the Georgia heat descending upon us with a quickness, Darwin and I opted to take a rainy Monday and get together an actual list of all of our inventory. It took the greater part of a day to chalk, number and picture all of it, but it was well worth it. There were a lot of pieces that Darwin and I had forgotten about and even more pieces that we knew about but didn't realize quite how many or how stunning they actually were.

I've finally managed to get all the pictures up. Both on our photobucket page - here - and our Facebook page - here. If you haven't had a chance to see the pictures, I highly recommend taking a peak. Not only are the pictures of our inventory, but they are also of our finished furniture projects.

The National Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis, TN contacted us about doing a dining room table top for them. Darwin and I jumped at the opportunity to work with them. They have made some amazing pieces and we knew the base they were building wouldn't disappoint. We went back and forth on which slabs would be the best, and we finally settled on the last of the Sinker Cypress slabs we had. The first one turned out beautifully and we knew this one would hold it's own against whatever base the metal museum created. The slab finished out beautifully and Darwin and I are anxiously awaiting pictures of the completed product.

Speaking of furniture, we've got some new pieces in the works over at Urban Reclaimed. Now that we've got an inventory list, the ideas are blossoming quite rapidly. Two pieces we have recently finished are the Vintage Surfboard Coffee Table as well as a pair of Foldover Side Tables. The website has recently been revamped and the blog is getting an update with the stories behind some of our more unique slabs.

Moving away from inventory and furniture, we fall into Darwin's territory. Milling. Emory University has kindly sent us some more trees from their campus to get milled into lumber. The tree Darwin milled out of one of their trees that fell in front of one of, or the oldest, dorm on campus, has come to the final stages of drying and will soon be on it's way to be made into an amazing conference table to be placed in the dormitory for the students to use. The kiosks we made for them have been assembled on campus and are a big hit.

As always let us know if we can help with anything. Please check out both of our Facebook pages - Mississippi Wood Trader and Urban Reclaimed. If you tweet follow Urban Reclaimed. And look for our updates on the blogs. Yes, this means the rambling has ended...

Until next time,

Dot and Darwin