Thursday, December 8, 2011

the art of being thankless...

i would like to know how people live in the cold. how? it is miserable. it's not even that cold here and i hate it. nothing is glamorous about the cold. sure snow looks pretty for a little while, then it's just gray slush. (i think last year's snow ruined me. an entire week trapped like a rat in my house...) no one can pull off the "snow bunny" look without being downright freezing. i also hate going out when it is cold. what do you do with your jacket when you are hot? i'll tell you what...i just don't wear one out. don't care. i have a strange aversion to having to hold things for extended periods of time. i will literally barter with myself based on how much whatever i am holding costs...

long story short. i am cold. i shouldn't be. i am sitting in front of a propane powered heater. and i have it set on high. but i am. i am cold. the only place i like being cold is in my house when i am about to go to sleep. that's it. i have more pairs of uggs than one human can possibly need, but whatever. i also know they are ugly as sin, but they keep my toes warm.

again, i ramble and for that i apologize. i also must apologize to my very best friend candice, who informed me that my dad is not the only one who reads my blog ----ohhhhh hey candice. again, the rambling. i promise i will get better about it...that's a big 'ol fat lie right there folks.

i really wanted this post to be about thankfulness or rather the lack there of, but i seem to have gotten of track a smidge. go figure.

that being said... when did people become so ridiculously obnoxious? have people always been this way? i was having this discussion with darwin yesterday because i was frustrated from the lack of thankfulness there is in our business. it's as if no matter what you do, someone is going to find a fault in something and then they come to you and decide that it is your fault. i mean what?

darwin and i deal with this a lot. i understand wanting to be happy with the product (insert whatever widget you wish) but when did we become the people who obtain something to complain about it? why in the world does that ever make sense? no matter how hard darwin and i try to explain how something is going to look, take a customer's drawing and make it into something, explain explain explain,  people come back and say, well we didn't quite understand and we just aren't happy with it.


there is this thing in life that you can's a simple thing. they teach it to you from an early age. hell, i don't even think you have to be taught it, i think it just happens naturally as you get older. and by older i mean start to crawl, talk, walk (that whole stage of life). it's to ask questions people.  if you want to know more about something, if you don't quite grasp something, if you think something is wrong - ask a  question about it.  it's not exactly as if it is rocket science. it's a simple question.

maybe questions aren't really the problem. maybe people are the problem. if you like something. like it; don't let others tell you that you don't like it. you have opinions. use them. and while you are at it be a bit grateful for what you do have. it's not easy. but do it. the last thing that i want to deal with during the day, is someone who has decided that a "one of a kind piece" just isn't really what they had in mind, and would we mind refunding them and bending over backwards to make them happy. well you know what my answer to that is? ABSOLUTELY NOT. this relates right on back to my being bullied post. don't tell me something that you picked out, tallied, wanted, annoyed the ever living daylights out me to make happen, isn't what you wanted. um, actually, it's exactly what you wanted. just because you've decided that maybe you wanted something else instead, gives you no right to complain about the quality of what you do have. NONE.

so be a bit thankful. also, don't blame the little man. if you do something wrong, blame yourself. not everyone else. darwin and i don't get to blame anyone. so why should you get to use us as your scapegoat? i know, life is tough, get a helmet, but ya know what? i am flat out tired of that excuse. how about trying this hat on for a little while - be content and thankful. manners get you a lot further than you think....


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