Monday, October 3, 2011


have you ever been so tired, that you aren't sure you should be driving a motor vehicle? because i have. today. right now to be precise.

the past few days/weeks have been a tiring bunch. we are officially ALL moved! wooooo. but man it has been an intense round.

for starters. remember when my car got stolen? oh say, 3 months ago. well as of today it has been found. to be more exact. as of 4:22 sunday morning, beta has been found. i know this because that is what time the APD decided to call me. FOUR TWENTY TWO IN THE FREAKING MORNING. like i am going to jump out of bed and go retrieve her? seriously? i call them sunday at a more reasonable hour. ya know, like 8 or so. get the run around for a while because turns out they weren't entirely positive where beta was. she was somewhere in cumming, ga. i was informed i would need to talk to the forsyth county police department (cumming's police), but i would have to wait until monday, because they were closed on sundays. OH REALLLLLLLLLLLY. no crime is committed on sundays? geewhiz.

so here we are monday. i finally get through to someone who then has to call me back because he isn't entirely sure where beta is....fantastic. well. turns out. once beta was stolen from me, my stuff was apparently ditched and then beta was sold. the guy however wouldn't give the title over the buyer until he finished making payments. well. i guess the buyer got mad and ipso facto beta was found. ya know, because there was no title, because she was STOLEN! i am also beginning to think that buyer had beta longer than i did, which if we all remember was 2 weeks. i also find it entertaining that the APD thought i was really waiting for them to find beta. it has been 3 months. i did wait 2 months before charley was purchased...

but moving on past beta, i then sunday went to my cousin's first horse show. absolutely precious. but took all day. so needless to say, i was exhausted. and come this morning., i got up at 5 to make sure my cousins got to school and that everything went according to plan. which is where the too tired to drive a vehicle comes into play...

i picked darwin up this morning for our final run through at the metro. sad, bittersweet, and really really exciting all at the same time. we hightailed it out of there. i stopped at the bank and then drove to meet darwin at the new shop and help unpack - daunting. driving there was fine because i had a mission. get food, get to new shop, go home. we get to the go home part, and we are driving and darwin tells me. - i normally trust you with everything, but right now i don't really want to be riding in your car...all i could think, was thank god, i so don't want to be driving right now. we stopped by home depot for some supplies and switched places. totally for the better.

it's funny and sad when someone says exactly what you are thinking. especially when it comes to operating a motor vehicle. i apologize if this post is jumbled, but clearly i am in overdrive. or as darwin so lovingly put it today, you are operating on about 6 out 8 cylinders. i told him that was being generous.
