Wednesday, May 30, 2012

heart attack.

it's been a minute.

we are officially a floating company. we have no shop. which makes things interesting.

especially when darwin goes out of town and leaves you the dog, the truck, the business, the credit card and a project with a due date of monday.

yesterday i hit the trail running to get everything accomplished and i am fairly positive that i have gotten all my bases covered, but i am all about not jinxing things, so let's keep this between us.

things that will give you a heart attack: the bank putting a big fat check of yours in the wrong bank account. that will get your heart racing. holy pete that was not what i needed today.

luckily the bank put it in one of our accounts, but i can't access it, which makes things really fun...not


wish me luck with the project.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


gone. gone. gone. gone. gone. gone. gone. gone. GOOOOOOOOONE!


we are out of the redneck riviera. riviera is being generious. ruhl generous.

hilarious. pardon my frankness. 

but for the moment we are homeless.

we've got our lumber in storage at the kiln. our tools in storage in a unit. and our trucks and trailer are floating around.

so we are virtually homeless. it's kind of exciting to not be tied to any place. especially after this last place.

pardon my french, but what a shitbox.

that place was falling apart. structurally, financially, landlordly.

i told darwin that i felt like the three little pigs and that someone could literally huff and puff and blow our house down. or malotov cocktail it down. he agreed, adding that a first grader could break into that place.

but none of that matters anymore because we are OUT! woop! woop! no more!

i will miss the mexican restaurant and the guy that detailed our cars, but for now we are regrouping and figuring out the next best step.

stay tuned.



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

truck driving.

today marked a momentous day at work.

i drove the truck and trailer.

the trailer was loaded.

i didn't even break it, scratch it, dent it, or anything.


i should probably mention that it was to the kiln and back. twice. ALL.BY.MYSELF.

believe it.

believe you me it was the single scariest thing i have done in a very long time.

but it was awesome.

it gives you a whole new respect for driving.

im still not very good at reversing, but i am working on it.

i only almost died one time. and it was not my fault. some methed out gorker came around the turn at about 90 miles an hour on the wrong side of the road. i was approximately 1/4 mile from the shop...that would have been a fun phone call. although darwin would have more than likely heard the crash and me screaming more than his phone ringing.


tomorrow is more of me driving the truck around.

i'll tell you all the story about the guy who owns the kiln tomorrow.